Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Bogor <p><img src="/public/site/images/admin/rsz_cover_seminar_nasional_dies_natalis_polbangtan_bogor-01_RZ1.jpg"></p> <p>Bogor Agricultural Development Polytechnic is a vocational higher education under the Ministry of Agriculture. To support the dissemination of agricultural innovations research, we have held national seminars once a year since 2023. It is open to the academic community to present and publish the ideas and research results on <strong>"Prosiding Seminar Nasional Politeknik Pembangunan Pertanian Bogor" </strong>with registration number E-ISSN 3032-5943. Hopefully it can provide input for the future development of agriculture.</p> <p><strong>Editorial Address</strong></p> <p>Jln. Aria Surialaga No 1, Cibalagung Bogor 16001 <br>Telepon/Fax : (0251) 8355371 <br>e-mail:<br>cc: <br><br><strong>Contact person</strong></p> <p>Rifa Rafiatu Sya'bani Wihansah &nbsp;&nbsp; (+62 821-1492-9080)<br>Intan Kusuma Wardani&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; (+62 857-4720-9514)<br>Annisah&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;(+62 812-6230-0619)</p> en-US (Reni Suryanti) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 OJS 60 Efficiency of Using Nitrogen Fertilizer in Increasing The Productivity of Some Varieties of Maize <p>Maize is one of the important commodities in the management of the Indonesian agricultural economy. The main problem arises from the aspect of productivity which is not yet optimal, which is caused by the lack of precise fertilization provided. The character of maize which is very responsive to fertilization, especially Nitrogen, is the starting point in efforts to increase national maize productivity, so through research the aim is to see the efficient dosage of Nitrogen fertilizer on several maize varieties. The research was carried out using a split plot plan using two factors, namely the dose of Nitrogen fertilizer 0, 150, 300, and 400 kg/hectars and maize varieties Bima 19 Ur, Bima 3, Bisma, Pioneer 2, and Pioneer 3 in two seasons, rainy and dry. The data was processed using mixed model analysis to see trends and the best combination of using nitrogen fertilizer doses on maize varieties. The research was carried out in Menggoran, BDH Playen, KPH Yogyakarta, Gunung Kidul Regency, DIY from November 2022 to June 2023. The results of the research show that the trend of using higher doses of Nitrogen fertilizer on the Pioneer 3 maize variety has the best results in all seasons.</p> Ardian Elonard Purba Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Potential Water Resources Carrying Capacity based on Analysis of Irrigation Water Supply and Demand in the Cihea Cisokan irrigation area Cianjur Regency <p>Land use change that occurs in the upstream of the Cisokan watershed causes the value of water availability to be disrupted. The result of land conversion is a high erosion rate and a high sedimentation rate, which <br>affects the availability of water entering the Cisokan primary network in the Cihea Irrigation Area. This study aims to determine the status of water carrying capacity based on a comparison of water demand and availability in the Cihea Irrigation Area. The method used to determine water supply is the reliable discharge method with Weibull probability and water demand is analyzed using the KP-01 approach. The Thiessen Polygon method is used to determine regional rainfall and the Thornthwaite-Mather method is used in climate data analysis to determine the actual evapotranspiration value. Water demand is also influenced by the cropping pattern system used, the cropping pattern used in the Cihea Irrigation Area is Rice-Rice-Secondary foodcrop. The results of the study show that the value of the water balance in the Cihea Irrigation Area in 2023 is a surplus with a total water availability of 139,624,992 m3/year and a water demand of 121,565,295 m3/year. The value of the water balance experienced a deficit from August to October. This was due to the dry season from August to October.</p> Maulana Agung Cahyadi, Dwi Rustam Kendarto, Yogina Lestari Ayu Situmorang Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis Of Corn (Zea Mays L.) Farming In Sukodai Village, Kangkung District, Kendal Regency <p>Corn is a type of grain food crop and is a secondary crop commodity. This study aims to examine 1) Total cost, revenue and income of corn farming in Sukodadi village, Kangkung subdistrict, Kendal regency. 2) BEP Unit value and BEP Price in Sukodadi village, Kangkung subdistrict, Kendal regency. 3) Feasibility level of corn farming in Sukodadi village based on R/C value. The sampling method was carried out by proportionate stratified randoml sampling with a total of 25 farmers as respondents. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews, questionnaires, documentation and literature review. The research results are based on land ownership status, namely own land, rented land, and owned and rented land, the obtained sequentially 1) Total cost of IDR 2,747,144; IDR 4,453,125 and IDR 3,198,918; Revenue amounting to IDR 6,932,727; IDR 7,615,455 and IDR 5,340,000; Income of IDR 4,185,583; IDR 3,162,330; and IDR 2,141,082. 2) BEP Unit of 549 Kg, 886 Kg and 640 Kg; while BEP Price is IDR 1,988/Kg, IDR 2,987/Kg and IDR 2,999/Kg. 3) R/C Value is 2.5; 1.7; and 1.7.</p> Umi Munfa’atun Nabila, Endah Subekti, Rossi Prabowo, Istanto Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Chili Farmer Institutional Pattern With a New Institutional Economic Approach <p>The partnership program on chili planting was launched by the Directorate General of Horticulture to support the supply and distribution of chilies. The partnered farmers are young farmers and have little experience in&nbsp; chili cultivation and have capital and market difficulties. The partnership contract document that is carried out only contains the partners' obligations, causing errors in their implementation. The aim of this research is to analyze the comparison of cost structure, comparison of revenue, income and R/C, identification of partnerships through institutional approaches and partnership strategies. The research was conducted in AprilJune 2023 in Pacet District, Cianjur Regency. The number of respondents was 26 people consisting of 13 partner farmers and non-partner farmers each. The data analysis method used is descriptive analysis with an institutional approach. The results show that the fixed costs of partner smallholder farming are higher due to the application of better technology. Comparison of the acceptance of partner farmers shows that the results are not much different from non-partner farmers who have had longer experience. The partnership that is run by chili has a nucleus-plasma pattern with the company as the nucleus and the chili farmers as the plasma. Based on institutional analysis, the investment costs of partner smallholders can be reduced due to the support of social access and information. Contract enforcement experienced problems due to partner farmers who did not fulfill the terms of the contract, price differences, delayed and fluctuating payments due to market influences. Partnership strategy through agreement improvement, significant and targeted monitoring, and capital assistance.</p> Dewi Ranggana, Tri Ratna Saridewi, Nazaruddin Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Implementation of Marketing Mix Tactics to Increasing The Sales Volume of Crystal Guava at UD Bumiaji Sejahtera Batu City <p>UD Bumiaji Sejahtera is a producer of crystal guava which has a varied market, ranging from the modern retail market to the direct sales market. Crystal guava products that have the highest demand are grade A quality <br>guava. Crystal guava products that are sold are not fully absorbed by the market because several markets, especially the modern retail market, often reject products, so that the quantity of products requested and shipped changes. This indicates that there have been fluctuations in sales of grade A crystal guava at UD Bumiaji Sejahtera. Marketing planning is then needed, and the marketing mix becomes the basic tactic in marketing. The purpose of this study was to identify the marketing conditions of crystal guava to analyze the influence of the marketing mix on sales volume and to formulate a marketing strategy based on the results of multiple linear regression analysis. The results of this study indicate that all independent variables namely Product, Price, Place, and Promotion simultaneously affect sales volume. The place variable and the promotion variable are two independent variables that have a positive and significant effect on sales volume. The place variable is the variable that has the largest beta coefficient, so it influences sales volume more. The combination of the marketing mix of the two variables is a benchmark for prioritizing marketing business development supported by qualified human resources in their fields.</p> Dina Marcelina, Wasrob Nasruddin, Dwiwanti Sulistyowati Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Mitigation Factors Causing The Product to Fail to Increase The Productivity of Potato Seeds <p>The production of potato seeds, which has increased in productivity from year to year, often results in poor yields. Mitigation measures for production failure are taken to overcome this risk. These risks have a significant impact on reducing productivity, so they require intensive management. The purpose of this study was to identify, analyze, and create mitigation strategies for the factor that cause yields to fail (reject) in potato seed products. The method used is FMEA (Failure mode and effect analysis). Based on the probability level of the risk occurrence (occurrence) and the impact of the risk that appears (severity), there is a potential risk with category 3 which has the highest rating. The results showed that there were 3 risk categories that could cause a decrease in productivity, namely the harvesting process, the variety of seeds used, and pest and disease <br>attacks. In an effort to overcome the three risks, appropriate mitigation measures are needed by identifying, analyzing and developing mitigation strategies that occur in the production of potato seeds which can be <br>reduced and productivity can be increased.</p> M. Maulana Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Efficiency Enhancement of Fried Shallot Production Cycle Time Through The Application of Lean Manufacturing Methodology <p>The length of the cycle time is affected by the layout of the production room. It is known that CV Monita FOOD's production space arrangement has not adopted the layout principle perfectly when analyzed from the placement of its facilities. Discrepancies were found between layout principles which resulted in increased wastage of time during production. This waste fulfills up to 34% of the existing lead time thereby extending the cycle time and reducing the percentage of production efficiency. Waste can be minimized through the application of a strategy with a lean manufacturing approach. The aims of this research are 1) to analyze the efficiency level of the current layout, 2) to propose a layout with a lean approach, 3) to analyze the efficiency level of the proposed layout, and 4) to calculate the increase in income if the layout is adopted. Primary and secondary data collection was carried out using observation techniques, field documentation with stop watch time studies, interviews and literature studies. The data analysis tool used is the calculation of process cycle efficiency, activity relationship, BLOCKPLAN and production improvement. The results of this study are 1) the layout efficiency level is only 66%, 34% of fried onion production activities are non-value added so % 2) the new layout proposal is carried out with a lean approach using Activity Relationship raw data, 3) the new layout provides an increase in efficiency of up to 15%, and 4) This increase in efficiency can provide an increase in income of up to IDR 166,430,000 per month due to the additional output of<br>89kg/cycle. Calculation of the amount of increase in income in this study is calculated as a continuation of previous research with related topics because it has never been done before.</p> Syaradina Nafisa Aftori, Harniati, Endang Krisnawati Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Risk Management of Provibio Fertilizer Production for Business Sustainability <p>Bio and organic fertilizers are currently still less attractive to farmers because of their slower effect compared to chemical fertilizers, even though organic fertilizers are an important element in sustainable agriculture in Indonesia. Fertilizer production risk is a business component that must be considered for business sustainability, including raw materials, production processes, production tools and machinery as well as human resources. This study identifies the causes of provibio fertilizer production risks, compiles provibio fertilizer production risk ratings for business sustainability and develops strategies to prevent the occurrence of provibio fertilizer production risks. The method used is descriptive with Failure Mode and Effect Analysis or FMEA by looking for the Risk Priority Number (RPN) indeks. The results of the study identify production risk factors, namely production raw materials, production processes, production tools and machinery and human resources. After data processing, the highest value of production risk was found, namely in quality control with RPN 60, meaning that quality control is the main factor or risk priority because there are still damaged products due to fermentation in bottles as much as 3-5% and damage due to shipping on average by 10-15%, The next factor is damage caused by production equipment and machinery with RPN 45 where supervision has not <br>been intensive on production equipment and machinery and the life of storage equipment with RPN 12 means that these risks must be a concern for the company. Risk prevention strategies that can be developed for <br>business continuity are: 1). Carry out quality control regularly for 3 months in the company's laboratory so that the product avoids damage and add materials such as special bubble wrap from the company so that delivery <br>is safer 2). Conduct long-term research on an ongoing basis to find out how much risk occurs to the shelf life of production equipment and machinery.</p> Maulana Akbar Bintang, Tri Ratna Saridewi, Nazaruddin Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Fried Onion Production Risk Management Strategies at CV Monita Food Kuningan Regency <p>The management of production risks becomes crucial in running a business, especially for processed products with limited shelf life. This research aims to analyze the production risks of fried onions, analyze factors influencing the production risks of fried onions, and formulate production risk management strategies for fried onions at CV Monita Food. The methods employed in this study include Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to determine the ranking of production risks for fried onions and Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) to establish priority alternative strategies based on risk mitigation criteria and production risk management for fried onions at CV Monita Food.The results of the production risk analysis identify risks related to the quality of raw materials, the production process of fried onions, and the final product risk. Factors influencing these risks include human factors, temperature, bacteria, and weather conditions. The risk indicators with the highest <br>ranking are flour quality for the raw material quality variable, packaging process for the fried onion production process variable, and packaging damage for the final product variable.The production risk management <br>strategies, evaluated through AHP weighting, yield three priority strategies from three different criteria. These strategies include scheduling production to avoid prolonged raw material storage, repeated sorting of red onions and fried onions according to SOP, and periodic machine maintenance every two months.</p> Ain Delfa Alia Shalihah, Wahyu Trisnasari, Ismi Puji Ruwaida Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Forecasting and Aggregate Planning in Production Planning to Meet The Demand of The Yardlong Bean Seed Market <p>Market demand is always increasing and the high production costs incurred by the company cause production is not optimal. This study aims to forecast market demand in the future so that companies can prepare production and meet market demand and determine cost-efficient production strategies. This research was conducted at CV Multi Global Agrindo, Karanganyar Regency from April 6 to June 30 2023. The method used is Forecasting with the ARIMA model, Winter's Exponential Smoothing <br>and classical decomposition. Selection of the appropriate forecasting method is determined by the forecasting method that has the smallest error value among the several forecasting methods used, then the strategy is determined using aggregate planning to determine the production strategy using the Chase Strategy and Level Strategy methods. Respondents in this study consisted of 6 people including company directors, representative managers, marketing managers, production managers and production staff. The results showed that the correct forecasting method was Winter's Exponential Smoothing with an average demand for the next period of 174.3825 kg of kacang panjang seeds/month. The right strategy is the Chase Strategy with RP costs. 93,600,000 in one year.</p> Septiar Rakhma Ranisya, Harniati, Endang Krisnawati Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Marketing Efficiency and Marketing Strategy of Oyster Mushroom (Case Study: UD Guntur Sumber Mushroom Ciawi, Bogor District) <p>The research is motivated by fluctuations in the price of oyster mushroom products. The problem in the field is the existence of high marketing costs caused by the location of the oyster mushroom distribution which is <br>far from the company's location. This study aims to analyze marketing channels, marketing efficiency (marketing margins andfarmer’s share), and alternative marketing efficiency strategies. This research was <br>conducted at UD Guntur Sumber Mushroom, Ciawi, Bogor Regency from April 7 to June 27 2023. The method used is market performance analysis (Structure, conduct, performance) for the determination of marketing <br>efficiency as well as the method of developing strategy analysis (Analythycal Hierrachy Process) for determining alternative marketing efficiency strategies. Based on the research results, the most efficient <br>marketing channel is channel III (GSM - Retailer - Consumer) with a total margin of 25% andfarmer’s share 75% because channel III does not involve many marketing agencies so that the marketing costs incurred are <br>less than channel I and channel II and producers can sell oyster mushrooms at the normal price of Rp. 15,000. The structure of the oyster mushroom market at the Tanah Tinggi Tangerang Main Market is oligopoly to monopoly with a concentration ratio (CR4) 93%, the producer market structure is monopsony and monopoly collector traders. Results of the methodAnalythycal Hierarchy Porcess (AHP) shows the right alternative <br>strategy, namely by improving supporting facilities through the addition of plasma farmers and developing kumbung that have been owned with an AHP weight value of 0.749.</p> Wiska Alfa, Wahyu Trisnasari, Ismi Puji Ruwaida Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Enhancement Brand Image Through Digital Marketing tto Expand The Marketing Reach of Potatoes <p>The use of digital marketing is not yet optimal to improve brand image, causing sales of potato seeds to not develop. The aim of this research is to identify the condition of the company's digital marketing, analyze the <br>effectiveness of digital marketing in improving brand image and formulate a digital marketing optimization strategy that can be implemented by the company. This research was carried out from April to June 2023, atPT<br>Agro Lestari Merbabu in Kragon Village, Magelang, Central Java. The data used areprimary and secondary data. The research respondents were 54 people who were determined using the linear time function formula. <br>The research was carried out with a descriptive and quantitative approach using simple linear regression analysis methods and SWOT analysis. The research results show that the implementation of digital marketing<br>at PT Agro Lestari Merbabu has not been carried out optimally. The application of digital marketing has proven effective in improving brand image and expanding marketing reach. For every additional digital marketing value once, there willbe an increase in brand image by 53%. The brand image variable is influenced by digital marketing variables by 11.7%, while the remaining 88.3% is influenced by other variablesnot examined in this research. The main strategy that can be used to maximize the use of digital marketing in improving brand image is to use external parties to compare companies via digital platforms as providers of certified potato<br>seeds.</p> Muhammad Zukri Arsyad, Harniati, Endang Krisnawati Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Analysis of Chrysanthenum Cut Flower Farming in The Puspita Serasi Farmer Group, Candi Village, Bandungan Subdistrict, Semarang Regency <p>Chrysanthemum is one type of ornamental plant that has long been known and much liked by the community and has high economic value. The purpose of the research in the puspita serasi farmer group is to determine the total cost, receipts, income, BEP and R/C values. The basic method of this study uses descriptive analysis methods, determining the sample of respondents using the saturated sampling method (census) with 22 respondents. The data used are primary data and secondary data.<br>The data analysis method uses analysis of total costs, receipts, revenues, BEP analysis and R/C analysis. The results of the analysis of chrysanthemum cut flowers in one period of the growing season<br>in one period of the growing season for 3 months with an average land area of 2,182 m2 obtained a total average of Rp. 15,025,419. Average revenue is 83,454,545 and average revenue is Rp. 68,429,127. BEP unit of 5,008 stalks with a selling price of Rp. 3000 per stem and BEP price of Rp. <br>540, - / stalk with a total production of 27,818 stalks. An R/C value of 5.55 means that the farm is feasible.</p> Dahlia Putri Setyaningrum, Rossi Prabowo, Endah Subekti, Heri Kustanto Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Farmers Motivation to Preserve Agricultural Land in Sub Urban of Surakarta City <p>The need for space to support all activities in urban areas encourages the expansion of urban areas in Surakarta City. The growth of urban development activities that continue to spread from the city center to the <br>outskirts of the city can be called urban sprawl. Urban sprawl can be recognized by the conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. Regarding the motivation of farmers in maintaining agricultural land <br>and building positive perceptions of agriculture is an action that must be taken and carried out to maintain national food security. This study uses variables 1) social factors, 2) economic factors and 3) policy factors <br>which are factors shaping farmers' motivation in maintaining agricultural land. Analysis of variables using interval class analysis. Based on the analysis using the width of the class interval, it can be seen that the <br>influential factor in shaping the motivation of farmers in maintaining agricultural land in the suburbs of Surakarta City is social factors. Social variables are considered to contribute greatly in shaping motivation due to the close social relationship between landowners and tenant farmers.&nbsp;</p> Marchelyno Krishna Surya Putra Dharma, Widiyanto, Putri Permatasari Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Extension of Yogurt Drink Making with The Addition of Dragon Fruit Juice as an Effort to Increase The Income of Farmer Group in Tajur Halang District, Bogor Regency <p>Research was carried out April 01 to June 30, 2023 aimed to enhance farmers' knowledge and skills in processing milk into dragon fruit juice yoghurt drink. It also aimed to determine the preferred formula for this <br>drink and conduct a business analysis. The project employed counseling and business analysis methods. Counseling was conducted through individual and group meetings, as well as demonstrations. The <br>participants' knowledge and skills were assessed using questionnaires before and after the intervention. The study applied four samples, namely P0 (yogurt without dragon fruit juice), P1 (10% dragon fruit juice), P2 (20% <br>dragon fruit juice), and P3 (30% dragon fruit juice). Organoleptic tests were conducted, including hedonic and quality tests. The data gathered was analyzed using the Kruskal-Wallis test followed by the Mann Whitney <br>test. The research was carried out in Tonjong Village can be concluded that farmers' knowledge about milk processing into dragon fruit juice yoghurt drink increased by 34% with the effectiveness of counseling 34%. <br>Farmers' skills on milk processing into dragon fruit juice yoghurt drink increased by 20% with 40% extension effectiveness. The results of increased knowledge and skills showed that the extension of milk processing into dragon fruit yoghurt drink can be categorized as effective. can be categorized as effective. Organoleptic test results (hedonic test and hedonic quality test) yoghurt drink with the addition of dragon fruit juice as much as 20% has the highest level of favorability in color, aroma, and taste. highest level of liking in color, aroma, taste, texture and appearance in general.</p> Dian Novita Sary, Wardani, Rifa Rafi’atu Sya’bani Wihansah Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Application of Women Farmer Group (KWT) Management Function in Ngestiharjo Village, Kapanewon Kasihan, Bantul Regency <p>Eighteen Women Farmer Groups (KWT) were grown in Ngestiharjo Village from 2019 to 2021. It is hoped that the growth of KWTs will play a role in developing farmer farming. Training from the government and other <br>stakeholders has not been able to make KWT carry out the functions of farmer groups optimally. This indicates that the application of group management functions is still low in carrying out farmer groups role. Good <br>management will support KWT in developing independent and high productivity farming. This study aims to determine the application of the KWT management function in Ngestiharjo Village, Kapanewon Kasihan, <br>Bantul Regency, Yogyakarta Special Region. This study was conducted in July 2023. Data collection methods use interview, questionnaires, and observation. Determination of village was purposive and respondents were <br>two administrators/active members from each KWT in the Ngestiharjo Village. Processing data using descriptive analysis with quantitative approach. The study result shows that the percentage of management <br>functions implementation: planning is 57.02%, organizing is 47.69%, actuating is 66.17%, and controlling is 51.54%. It can be concluded that the implementation of four management functions is included in the less <br>implementing category. Persuasive counseling is needed about the importance of management, especially organizing and controlling.</p> Rohmat Hidayat Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 Utilisation of Kersen (Muntingia Calabura L.) Leaf Decoction as Teat Dipping in Dairy Cattle in Cijeruk Sub-District, Bogor District <p>Subclinical mastitis often occurs in dairy cattle with a prevalence of up to 80%, due to lack of awareness of the importance of teat dipping in the implementation of milking. The study was conducted to determine the effect of kersen leaf decoction as a natural teat dipping on subclinical mastitis in dairy cattle. The study was conducted from April to June 2023 on 15 dairy cows given 3 treatments with 5 adventures, namely P0 (control/no teat dipping), P1 (teat dipping with Iodine) and P2 (teat dipping with kersen leaf decoction). The parameters observed in this study were the level of subclinical mastitis in dairy cows using the CMT and DMD test methods. The effect of giving kersen leaf decoction can reduce the positive score of subclinical mastitis cases in cattle to 25%, so it can be used as an alternative to povidone iodine for teat dipping in an effort to reduce and prevent subclinical mastitis in cattle.</p> Diah Ajeng Ambarwati Syam, Reni Suryanti, Rifa Rafi’atu Sya’bani Wihansah Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700 The Study of Quality Characteristics of Goat Milk Powder’s Process <p>Goat's milk has several advantages compared to cow's milk. Distribution and marketing of goat's milk is easier in powder form. The manufacture of powdered goat's milk requires encapsulant materials which are thought <br>to affect the quality characteristics of the resulting powdered milk. The aim of this study was to determine the effect of encapsulant ingredients on the quality characteristics of powdered goat's milk. The production process <br>of powdered goat's milk is carried out using a spray drier with a capacity of 5 liters per process with an inlet temperature of 1400C and an outlet temperature of 60-700C. The study used a Completely Randomized Design <br>with treatment of encapsulant ingredients (A1 = maltodextrin, A2 = skim milk) with encapsulant ingredient concentrations (20%, 30% and 40%). The analysis parameters carried out include moisture content, ash <br>content, protein content, fat content, metal content, total plate count and Salmonella. The study results showed that the best encapsulant material was skim milk with a concentration of 40%. Powdered milk produced by this treatment has a moisture content of 3.63 ± 0.01%, ash content of 4.63 ± 0.06%, fat content of 2.28 ± 0.04%, protein content of 14.66 ± 0.01%, Cu 8.00 ± 1.78 ppm, Sn 28.63 ± 3.21 ppm, Total bacteria 8.3x104 CFU/g, <br>and Salmonella sp. negative. It is hoped that the results of the study will be useful to be applied to the SME scale milk powder manufacturing process while still paying attention to aspects of raw material quality and <br>sanitation hygiene during the manufacturing process..</p> Miskiyah, Kirana Sanggrami Sasmitaloka Copyright (c) Wed, 24 Jan 2024 00:00:00 +0700