Farmers Motivation to Preserve Agricultural Land in Sub Urban of Surakarta City

  • Marchelyno Krishna Surya Putra Dharma Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Widiyanto Universitas Sebelas Maret
  • Putri Permatasari Universitas Sebelas Maret
Keywords: conversion of agricultural land, farmers motivation, sub urban


The need for space to support all activities in urban areas encourages the expansion of urban areas in Surakarta City. The growth of urban development activities that continue to spread from the city center to the
outskirts of the city can be called urban sprawl. Urban sprawl can be recognized by the conversion of agricultural land into non-agricultural land. Regarding the motivation of farmers in maintaining agricultural land
and building positive perceptions of agriculture is an action that must be taken and carried out to maintain national food security. This study uses variables 1) social factors, 2) economic factors and 3) policy factors
which are factors shaping farmers' motivation in maintaining agricultural land. Analysis of variables using interval class analysis. Based on the analysis using the width of the class interval, it can be seen that the
influential factor in shaping the motivation of farmers in maintaining agricultural land in the suburbs of Surakarta City is social factors. Social variables are considered to contribute greatly in shaping motivation due to the close social relationship between landowners and tenant farmers. 
