• Pepi Rospina Pertiwi Staf Edukatif S1, PKP FMIPA-Universitas Terbuka


The objectives of the study are to describe the level of urban farmer dynamics, the
factors affected the urban farmer dynamics, and the effect of the urban farmer dynamics on
farm enterprise products. The locations of the study are in the area of Jakarta, Depok, and
Bandung. The results of study indicate that urban farmer has dynamics, shown by urban farmer
attitude whereas they have activities which support the dynamics, such as prestative, work
hard, autonomous, flexible, and innovative. There are several factors influence the dynamics of
urban farmer, those are farmer’s age, land area, market scope, extention institution, and
extention method received by the farmer. Other results are the dynamics effect of urban farmer
on farm enterprise product, income and the sustainability of farm enterprises. In conclusion,
therefore government attention to urban farmers is needed in order to rise their dynamics. In
addition, it is also needed to give an opportunity to rise their bargaining position that can push
them to keep dynamics in doing their job, which subsequently give a positive effect for their
